My work is a lot about groundwater. This example of Stiefo (Aufbauschrift) shows what Wikipedia says about it:

Here I used some brief forms. Grundschrift (basic level) already offers the possibilty to define your own abbreviations for common expressions, by writing a 1 step high consonant at 3 step size. I use the 3 step W for „Wasser“ (“water“). I create additional expressions by adding further letters, e. g. „Grundwasser“ (“groundwater”) by a g prefix, „Grundwasserleiter“ (“aquifer”) by a eit suffix:

“Standard Stiefo” makes almost no use of loops in clockwise direction (except the point-size loop for -lich). I use a half-step clockwise loop on the baseline for -ologie (-ology). Similarly, the raised loop (not used here) means -graphie (-graphy). The one-step clockwise loop abbreviates the various forms of „halten“ according to the stem vowel (hold, contain, stop, etc.).

The lowered (i/ü/y position) letter h abbreviates „hier“ (“here”) in Aufbauschrift (advanced level). I also use it for „hin“ (“towards”) and for the prefix hydr(o)-. With this I can write „Hydrogeologie“ (“hydrogeology) quite concisely.